Language and Organisational Well-Being
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luis Javier Pentón Herrera
University of Warsaw, Poland
About the Author
Full name: Luis Javier Pentón Herrera
Professional title: Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate TESOL Certificate
Institutional affiliations: University of Warsaw (Poland) and The George Washington University (United States)
Luis Javier Pentón Herrera, Ph.D. served as the 38th President of Maryland TESOL in 2018-2019. He currently serves as Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw (Poland), and as Coordinator of the Graduate TESOL Certificate at The George Washington University (United States). In addition, he serves as the Social Responsibility Interest Section (SRIS) Co-Chair (2021-2022) at TESOL International Association. Dr. Pentón Herrera’s current research projects include: social-emotional learning (SEL), emotions, and well-being in language and literacy education; exploring the language and literacy experiences of adolescent and adult Indigenous students from Latin America; exploring adolescent and adult students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE); and autoethnography and storytelling. His latest book publications include Critical storytelling: Multilingual immigrants in the United States (Brill/Sense, 2021), English and students with limited or interrupted formal education: Global perspectives on teacher preparation and classroom practices (Springer, 2022), Social-emotional learning in the English language classroom: Fostering growth, self-care, and independence (TESOL Press, 2021) and The Maryland TESOL handbook for educators of English learners (Maryland TESOL, 2021). To learn more about Dr. Pentón Herrera, please visit his website https://luispenton.com/
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8865-8119
In recent years, scholars in the field of applied linguistics have become interested in understanding how emotions affect language learning. This departure from prevailing cognitive views in applied linguistics has been called by some ‘the affective (or emotional) turn’ (White, 2018), and this line of research is shedding light on the effects of emotions in language learning. Unwanted—sometimes called negative—emotions, such as anxiety, tensions, and low self-confidence, have received considerable attention in applied linguistics and, more specifically, in second language acquisition (SLA; Oxford, 2022). However, in recent years, leading scholars have proposed that emotions in applied linguistics and SLA research be approached from a positive lens (MacIntyre & Mercer, 2014), with student and teacher well-being becoming the latest growing topic of concern in the field (Mercer, 2021; Mercer & Gregersen, 2020; Pentón Herrera et al., forthcoming). These works and scholars have significantly advanced our understanding of affective concerns in applied linguistics and SLA, and have helped integrate emotion and well-being concepts from psychology into second language learning. However, this line of research continues to be at its infancy stage, with very few publications in applied linguistics and SLA explicitly exploring how language use and/or attrition affect emotions and well-being.
With the vision of advancing the ongoing conversations about emotions and well-being in the fields of applied linguistics and SLA, I propose this keynote presentation. I begin this keynote presentation by defining the concepts of language, emotions, and well-being, situating them in the current literature. I then make a case for how language use affects speakers’ emotions, citing available publications that shed light on the effects of language use, emotions, and well-being (e.g., Knuppenburg, 2021; Pentón Herrera et al., 2021). After the links between language use, emotions, and well-being have been clearly articulated, I transition to the emotional and well-being effects of language attrition (Chung, 2021; Dinku et al., 2020; Tadeo, 2021)—an issue in direct opposition to ‘language use’—which remain a fertile, untapped topic within the fields of applied linguistics and SLA. I connect the literature of both language use and attrition by emphasizing that language is a political tool, which can be controlled by those in positions of power to legitimize or outlaw the well-being of individuals. I end the keynote presentation with implications of what language, emotions, and well-being mean for the fields of applied linguistics and SLA, encouraging scholars to advance the conversation of how language education can become a place where positive language, emotions, and well-being can be taught and promoted.
Keywords: language, emotions, well-being, applied linguistics, SLA
Chung, M. F. (2021). I lost my language but your child doesn’t have to. In L. J. Pentón Herrera, & E. T. Trinh (Eds.), Critical storytelling: Multilingual immigrants in the United States (pp. 79–84). Brill/Sense.
Dinku, Y., Markham, F., Venn, D., Angelo, D., Simpson, J., O’Shannessy, C., Hunt, J., & Dreise, T. (2020). Language use is connected to indicators of wellbeing: Evidence from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2014-2015. Working Papers no. 137. Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, Canberra. https://doi.org/10.25911/5ddb9fd6394e8
Knuppenburg, R. M. (2021). Linguistic affect: Positive and negative emotion words are contagious, predict likability, and moderate positive and negative affect. Inquiries Journal, 13(03). http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/a?id=1884
MacIntyre, P. D., & Mercer, S. (2014). Introducing positive psychology to SLA. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 153–172. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2014.4.2.2
Mercer, S. (2021). An agenda for well-being in ELT: An ecological perspective. ELT Journal, 75(1), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa062
Mercer, S., & Gregersen, T. (2020). Teacher wellbeing. Oxford University Press.
Pentón Herrera, L. J., Trinh, E. T., & Gómez Portillo, M. J. (2021). Cultivating calm and stillness at the doctoral level: A collaborative autoethnography. Educational Studies, 57(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131946.2021.1947817
Pentón Herrera, L. J., Martínez-Alba, G., & Trinh, E. T. (forthcoming). Teacher well-being in English language teaching: An ecological pathway. Routledge.
Tadeo, S. (2021). Pagbabalik: Does it even matter? In L. J. Pentón Herrera, & E. T. Trinh (Eds.), Critical storytelling: Multilingual immigrants in the United States (pp. 85–91). Brill/Sense.
White, C. J. (2018). The emotional turn in applied linguistics and TESOL: Significance, challenges and prospects. In J. de D. Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching: Theory, research and teacher education (pp. 19–34). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75438-3_2
Effectiveness Of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: A Therapeutic Approach For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Doaa Shamim
About the Author
Full name: Doaa Shamin
Country: Pakistan
Doaa Shamim is a psychologist by profession (Pakistan). The area of specialization is clinical psychology. The author is a writer and a poetess as well.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a prevalent condition found in clinical settings. This garners a room for fresh interventions that approach the problem in new ways. In context of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has not been researched enough. Many researches are conducted to explore MBCT’s effectiveness on depression and anxiety but limited researches are conducted for the application of MBCT’s effectiveness with Obsessive compulsive disorder. So, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques on individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Research suggests that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavior Techniques are helpful in diminishing the symptoms and making an individual being mindful. In Pakistan people are hesitant in discussing their symptoms and the ratio is higher. Hence, the present study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques to offer better and long-lasting treatment of OCD symptoms. Based upon the previous literature it was hypothesized that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques will significantly reduce Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms. The data was collected from 10 individuals (5males, 5females) that were diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The data was collected from various hospitals and private clinics based in Islamabad, Pakistan. The individuals already diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder by a professional psychiatrist, or a psychologist were part of the study. Adults of 20-50 years of age were part of the study. The severity level of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ranging from mild to moderate level according to DSM-5 (2013) were inclusive in the study. 11 sessions were conducted with the participants in which Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques were applied. Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS; Goodman et al., 1989) was administered before and after the intervention and scores were maintained. After intervention, OCD symptoms scores (M=15.60, SD=3.98) are significantly less than the scores before intervention (M=22.30, SD=3.30). The findings of the study revealed that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques significantly reduced the symptoms of OCD. The result indicates that Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques are beneficial in the symptom reduction of OCD. Future research can also be conducted in this field because in Pakistan researches on MBCT are limited. Since there is limited knowledge on this topic in Pakistan, this study plays a crucial part in educating clinical practitioners and introducing them to different therapeutic techniques that will help them provide effective treatment for OCD to their clients.
Keywords: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Treatment Effectiveness, Beneficial, Symptom Reduction
Optimism and Other Personality Traits for Entrepreneurship among Management Students
Prof. Martìnez Cerda
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México
About the Author:
Full Name: Ma. de Lourdes Martínez Cerda
Affiliation: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Country: Mexico
Ma. de Lourdes Martínez Cerda PHD. Holds a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP). She has a master\\\’s degree in Psychology from the Tangamanga University of San Luis Potosí (UTAN). She has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Baja California (UBC- México). She has more than 20 years of professional and teaching experience. She has taught courses in undergraduate and graduate programs in the areas of Management, Human Development, and Psychology. She is a full-time Researcher and Professor at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. She has articles published in different scientific journals and book chapters in collaboration with different institutions. She has participated since 2018 as a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the 35 women\’s studies division.
Optimism has been identified as one of the personality traits that are important to start and be successful in an enterprise. Although some consider optimism a personality aspect, it is also referred to by others as a skill or mindset that can be learned throughout a training process. The present paper presents an evaluation of several personality traits that have been associated with successful entrepreneurship to 85 management students at a Mexican university. The aim of the study is to identify the level of optimism found to offer an intervention in optimism as a skill that can be learned or developed through a set of strategies. Optimism, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence were measured and found to be improved. The study also offers some gender, age, and other differences that can be taken into account when preparing training programs.
Keywords: optimism, enterpreneurship, training.
Effect Of Personality On Development of Eating Disorder Among College Students
Prof. Dr Shikha Srivastava
School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Prof. Dr. Anuradha Parasar,
School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
About the Authors:
Full Name: Dr. Shikha Srivastava
Affiliation: Professor and Associate Dean, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida , India
Country: India
Full Name: Prof. Dr. Anuradha Parasar
Affiliation: Dean of the School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida , India
Country: India
Introduction: The current study focuses on the effect of personality on development of eating disorder among male and female college students.
Aim of the Study: The objective of the study was to check the relation between personality and eating disorder and to check gender difference in personality and eating disorder on college going students.
Results:The correlation value for male students (r) was .229, it indicates a positive correlation between personality and eating disorder but hypothesis there no staistical significant relation in personality and eating disorder is proved false.
The correlation value for female students (r) was .007, it indicates that there is no correlation in the personality and eating disorder in females and it is not statistically significant also.
Findings: The result indicates that in males the eating disorder and the personality have a positive correlation which shows that personality traits effect the development of eating disorder in males but the correlation we got is statistically insignificant. In the female students the personality and eating disorder seem to have not share any relation and show zero correlation which is also statistically insignificant.
Current research was carried out to explore the effect of personality on development of eating disorder among college going students, and also to check relation between personality and eating disorder. There was a positive correlation between personality and eating habits among male students and no correlation between personality and eating habits in female students.
Keywords: Personality traits, Eating disorder, Anorexia
Export Potential of Local Small Business: Role of Technology and Agglomeration
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tareef Husain
Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
About the Author
Full Name: Assist. Prof., Dr. Tareef Husain
Affiliation: Galgotias University
Country: India
This study examines the export capabilities of small and medium enterprises at district level of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The international competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises significantly determined by the technological capabilities of local firms along with the agglomeration activities and business conducive environment. Moreover the availability and accessibility to the vigorous local innovation system significantly affects the firms’ behaviour of internationalisation. In this context, the present study is valuable from the point of view of local policy perspectives. The small and medium enterprises located in a sub-national entity i.e. Uttar Pradesh have shown a significant rise in export activities over the years. In the present study, this rising export story of Uttar Pradesh has been explained with the help of various inter-linked theoretical perspectives like regional innovation system, innovative milieu and industrial cluster. A regression analysis utilised to find out the impact of critical factors like firms’ size, age, productivity, technology and external finance on the export performance of local SMEs. Results confirm that all the factors are significant, but firms’ size and productivity are positively related whereas firms’ age, technology and external finance are negatively related to local SMEs export.
Keywords: export, small business, technology, agglomeration, innovation
A Study on Financial literacy and the Investment Behaviors among Salaried People with Reference to Muzaffarpur City, India
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Manju Dahiya
Galgotias University, India
About the Author
Full name:Assoc. Prof., Dr. Manju Dahiya
Affiliation: Division of Economics, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Bharat (India)
Country: India
The present research is undertaken to analyze the awareness and perception of individual investors in Muzaffarpur District towards the selected investment avenues. Due to the rapid developments in the economy and digitization some new avenues of investments have emerged which are known as Contemporary Investment Avenues. In this research, different individual investors from different locations of Muzaffarpur with different occupations and different demographic variables were selected to get a bird’s eye view of overall investment scenario of Muzaffarpur district.
The investors in Muzaffarpur are educated. An educated person invests more as compared to less or no educated people. Businessmen are more investment savvy than the salaried class of people. Investors in Muzaffarpur still believe in Bank Fixed Deposits as the safest investment avenue as i.e., it gives more principal safety than other avenues of investments. Most of the investors do not maintain Investment Account and so it is advised to maintain it with the professional help so that more clarity can be sought of the returns, objectives and performance of the investments.
Keywords: Financial Literacy, Investment Behaviour, Digitalisation, Salaried People, Businessmen
A Critical Analysis to the Problem of Alienation Among Faculty Members in Private Universities in India: A Socio-Psychological Study in University Faculty Members in National Capital Region (NCR) New Delhi, India
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Ambika Prasad Pandey
Galgotias University, India
About the Author
Full name: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Ambika Prasad Pandey
Affiliation: Division of Sociology, School of Liberal Education Galgotias University, Greater Noida, U.P. India
Country: India
The problem of alienation has long been noticed by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and economists. Managers and leaders have also considered this problem. Alienation is a problem which is reflected in the individual but due to it society and its production system, production relations, relationship between superior and subordinate at workplace, coherence, synergy, coordination, working condition
s, labor conditions, gap between work and leisure. The position of difference depends on many factors like administrative decisions.
The objective of the present research paper is to conduct a critical examination and analysis on the work behavior of faculty members working in private sector universities, and the consequences and behavior patterns observed during their performance, job satisfaction, Self-esteem the causes and consequences of alienation in terms of attitudes and to present a detailed descriptive conclusion on this problem. For this work, an effort has been made to collect data from about one hundred faculty members of five private universities of Delhi NCR region and conduct research work
Keywords: Alienation, behavior patterns, attitudes, work and leisure, production relations.
Friction in cross-country relationship: A Study of Strategic Policies and Workplace Policy in Europe
Assist. Prof., Dr. Shrawan Kumar Pandey
Galgotias University, India
About the Author
Full name: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Shrawan Kumar Pandey
Affiliation: School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
Country: India
No Country can become global force if they are not able to Engage and Integrate a Global Workplace. Business success across the world hinges on ability of leadership of the country to bridge cultural difference and building cohesive environment spanning multiple countries of the world. Business Environment across the world is greatly affected by foreign relations and strategic policies. International business environment is marred by some complexities such as financial systems, trade policies and tax regulations are across countries which are important aspects of frictions in cross-country relationship. Rules and Regulations of operating country differs from one and another. Country specific leadership vision affects the taxes, labor wages, commodity prices, transportation & infrastructure costs, etc. These are the factors due to which updating with the strategic decisions, and the workplace policy becomes important. We will look into reasons for frictions in cross-country relationship with special reference to Europe in particular and world in general.
Keywords: Friction, Business, Environment, Leadership and Europe
Student Perceptions of Using Learner-created Game-based Student Response Systems in Flipped EFL Writing Instruction
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Hui-Wen Huang
Shaoguan University, Guangdong, China
Ruihan Xue
Fujian University of Technology, China
Siyi Wang
Shaoguan University, Guangdong, China
Wen S. Xiao
Shaoguan University, Guangdong, China
Although flipped learning has increasingly been applied in different educational contexts in higher education, the integration of game-based student response systems (GSRSs) and flipped writing instruction in EFL classrooms in China is scarce. The study aimed at exploring student perceptions of engaging in this new teaching method. Data were collected from 48 English major students in a public four-year university in China. The students attended a 10-week intervention in essay writing classes. By watching instructional videos before class time, students prepared themselves with basic essay writing knowledge, which helped them engage in meaningful interactions with the teacher and group members in class. During the class, the students presented game-based online quiz questions, created by themselves, for the class to answer. The class teacher asked the students to write final reflections about applying GSRSs in flipped learning. After employing content analysis techniques, we found that the students perceived their enhanced writing quality and positive learning attitudes in increasing learning autonomy. The qualitative findings revealed that the GSRSs integration in flipped classes was perceived to be fun, increase motivation to learn, and promote deeper thinking through student-generated quiz questions. Based on the results, educational implications are provided for EFL writing teachers on how to help every single student become a driver of learner engagement in EFL classrooms.
Keywords: Flipped learning, EFL essay writing, game-based student response system, student-created quiz questions
EFL Learners’ Engagement in Online Flipped Intercultural Learning
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hui-Wen Huang
Shaoguan University, China
About the Author
Full name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hui-Wen Huang
Affiliation: Shaoguan University, Guangdong, China
Country: China
Hui-Wen Huang, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Fujian University of Technology, China; M.A. in TESOL and M.S. in learning technologies and design from Taiwan and U.S., respectively. Dr. Huang received her Ph.D. in Education from the University of Idaho, USA. Her research interests focus on technology-enhanced language learning, flipped online learning, novel technologies for effective teaching and student assessment, affective factors in cross-cultural online classrooms.
Dr. Huang has published about 20 academic articles in SSCI-indexed journals and international conference proceedings.
For EFL learners, the purpose of English learning is to use the target language at the context for communicating with people from different cultures. However, EFL learners in Mainland China tend to receive one-way instruction through teacher-centered lectures in schools. They do not have many opportunities to interact with native English speakers in mainstream educational contexts. A promising strategy to solve this problem and develop students’ language skills is to invite native English speaking teachers to engage in joint-instruction with local EFL teachers.
In this speech, I will provide the results of a flipped intercultural communication project between EFL learners in China and a native English teacher (NET). The purpose of this speech is twofold: 1) to discuss how the NET guided students to communicate and express their thoughts in a meaningful online conferencing context, and 2) to present students’ engagement and affective experiences during this project. After this speech, the audience will understand how to invite native English speakers to participate in joint-instruction with local teachers in EFL classrooms.
Keywords: EFL learners, intercultural communication, flipped learning, online learning, a native English teacher
Features of the Relationship 4D = “D + 3D”: Demoetic – Demographic – Democratic – Demoeconomic and Environmental Components in the Assessment of Sustainable Development of Regions
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Rinat Zhanbaev
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Daniil Maksimov
Department of Public Service and Personnel Management, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
Gakku Tansykbayeva
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Makpal Nurkenova
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Rimma Abdykadyrkyzy
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Makhmut Tomanov
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Makpal Kozhakanova
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Мeruyert Sadykova
National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
In the conditions of the current unstable geopolitical situation, entailing the disruption of established economic ties, there are real prerequisites for the aggravation of crisis phenomena, both in macroeconomic processes and at the level of regional economies. This situation makes it extremely relevant to research in the field of the level and quality of life through the prism of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Governments of different countries are trying to reduce the impact of aggravated political and economic factors on people’s lives. However, in our opinion, the previous approaches to the study of sustainable development processes based on a monoscientific analysis from the point of view of the operation of an economic mechanism alone are no longer viable. The article substantiates a radically different approach to solving the problem of sustainable development based on an integrated approach involving four demo components. This approach, in our opinion, is viable especially in the conditions of regions for which today indicators of the level and quality of life are fundamental. The research uses methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis. As a result of the research, the authors propose the concept of an integrated approach to achieving sustainable development goals based on the economy of four “D”.
Keywords: Demography, Demotics, Democracy, Demoeconomics, Sustainable development
Researching with People with Learning Disabilities: Methodological Considerations
Dr. Peter Williams
University College London, UK
About the Author
Full name: Dr. Peter Williams
Affiliation: Department of Information Studies at University College London
Country: UK
Peter Williams is a Post-doctoral Research Associate, based in the Department of Information Studies at University College London, UK. He is currently working on the MIRRA+: Memory – Identity – Rights in Records – Access (phase two) project. Prior to this he completed a three year full-time Post-doc Fellowship from the British Academy, entitled ‘Digital Lives’, investigating the role of ‘digital technology’ in the lives of of people with learning disabilities. This culminated a long period of researching the use and value of Information Technology (in particular, the Internet) by people with learning disabilities. He completed his PhD in this area in 2013. In addition to his learning disabilities work, Pete has investigated the use of the Internet and other ICT applications in the fields of education, health, scholarly communication/research, and the news media.
There are approximately 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK (Mencap, 2022). Difficulties they may have in articulating their thoughts, self-advocating and understanding their rights make them particularly vulnerable. Research undertaken with this cohort (the author has studied their use of digital technology and the possible barriers they may face in exploiting this to the full) requires special, tailored measures. First, it is important that participants are not simply treated as passive research subjects, but as active agents in the research. This may involve helping with the wording of information sheets, feeding back on elements of the research (in the author’s case, on website design) or recruiting other participants.
In addition to these considerations, research preparation may include much pre-study fieldwork, both so that prospective participants feel comfortable and also in order to explain the research, more than once and in simple language. Beyond these preliminaries, the execution also requires particular considerations. In data gathering, for example, it is necessary to frame interview questions in simple, active language, be aware of so-called ‘acquiescence bias’ (the tendency to agree with someone in power or authority), and accept and accommodate more ‘off-topic’ behaviour and conversation.
The presentation will discuss these and other relevant issues for anyone considering involving a learning-disabled cohort in a research project or programme.
Keywords: learning disabilities, methodology, research.
Keeping the Lights On for an Orphanage During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The Case of the Taiwan Love and Hope International Charity and its
Implications to Business Psychology
Dr. Joseph Anthony Narciso Z. Tiangco
Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
About the Author
Full name: Dr. Joseph Anthony Narciso Z. Tiangco
Affiliation: Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Country: Taiwan
Dr. Joseph Anthony Narciso Z. Tiangco (田安克) is an associate professor at Shu-Te University. His areas of research interest are English as a Foreign Language (EFL), psychology and EFL learning, philosophy of social science, mental health, and neurodevelopmental disorders. He is involved in various social responsibility projects. Dr. Tiangco is the co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of a registered orphanage in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Since 2019, the COVID pandemic remains to be unforgiving. It upturned the way of life for many worldwide. The number of deaths estimated by the World Health Organization (2022) is more than 6.54 million. The cumulative economic cost is estimated to be more than US$ 16 trillion. Although Taiwan has been recognized for its effective handling of the pandemic despite its intricate geographic and political relationship with China, COVID has undeniably impacted the country, ranging from civil society to the various business sectors. Specifically, this presentation aims to discuss the experience of the Taiwan Love and Hope International Charity as it navigates and continues to survive through the ongoing pandemic. Ensuring that abandoned and neglected Taiwanese children with neurodevelopmental disorders have a secure family-style home and that the lights remain on for both the children and staff persist as challenging responsibilities for the leadership and organization. Mistakes were committed, lessons were learned, and innovations were carried out to ensure that the organization’s operations would not be disrupted. Invaluable insights can be gained from the experiences of the Taiwan Love and Hope International Charity with implications for Business Psychology.
Keywords: orphanage, international charity, COVID-19, business psychology
Psychometric Analysis of Health Anxiety Illness Scale on Indian Population
Darshita Mehta
School of Liberal Arts
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
Madhura Londhe
Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
Health anxiety is a condition that causes healthy people to worry that they are sick even when they have no symptoms, or minor symptoms. The study consisted of a total of 213 participants. The participants were individuals of age group 18 to 65 years. The data was collected through online survey using Short-version Health Anxiety Inventory. SHAI is an 18-item scale which two subscales that assesses health anxiety independently of physical health status. The scale is 4-point scale measuring responses on 0-3. After the data was collected, descriptive statistics, reliability and factor analysis was performed on the data using SPSS. SHAI showed relatively good reliability in Indian sample with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.868 which is higher than the original study (α=0.72). The high reliability can be inferred because of cultural differences and also the sample type. The original study consisted of a clinical sample whereas the present study includes general population. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the acquired data. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin analysis was performed to evaluate if the sample group was appropriate for exploratory factor analysis was found to be 0.889. In Bartlett Test, chi-square was calculated to be 1234.989 (p<0.0001). In factor analysis, four factors with an eigenvalue greater 1 were obtained. Most of the variance could be explained by the first three components. While there is a fourth component too, its value is only slightly higher than 1. Principal axis factoring with Varimax (oblique) rotation was also carried out because it was anticipated that the factors would be correlated. A difference is seen in the components obtained in original study and that of the current study. There are various factors that could be the cause of this difference viz., culture and sample types (clinical and non-clinical).
Keywords: SHAI, health anxiety, cultural difference, factor analysis
Exploring the Art of Being ‘In the Zone’ – A Buddhist Perspective
Mitali Bhavsar
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
Coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1975, the concept of Flow or ‘In the Zone’ is defined as a fully immersed, pleasurable experiential state that occurs when an individual is fully absorbed in the process of an activity. In essence, flow is characterised by optimal involvement in what one does without a sense of time and other needs. When an action is done just for the sake of doing rather than an external goal, a flow state is experienced. The experience of flow to be influential in the development of an individual requires an ongoing balance of challenge and skill, immediate feedback and clear goals. Since our self-image is a psychological construct, it requires effort and time to build, develop and maintain a skill.
Buddhism as a religion is known to be originated in India 2,500 years ago. Studies in positive psychology, neuroscience and cognitive science have yielded numerous findings from this ancient wisdom tradition, both collectively and personally, that can contribute to the improvement of our world. The principles of flow as listed by Csikszentmihalyi can be observed in the scriptures of Buddhism – attention to the present moment, decreased attachment to self and cultivation of calm emotions. Cultivating mindfulness, attention with practice, is likely to increase an individual’s chances of experiencing flow state. During the flow state, a sense of self disappears yet there is a vivid feeling of experiencing present moment. Paradoxically, there is an experience of ‘no self’ and ‘only self’ referred in Zen Buddhism as ‘not two but one self.’ This concept was further termed as Mindflow. The present study aims to explore the concept of flow, it’s components and their connection with respect to the concepts in Buddhism and most importantly, how can one cultivate the art of flow.
Keywords: flow, “in the zone”, buddhism, mindfulness.
A Psychometric Analysis of the Learned Helplessness Scale on Indian students
Sakshi Bhalgat
School of Liberal Arts, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
The aim of the study is to conduct psychometric analysis of the ‘Learned Helplessness Scale’ developed by Quinless and Nelson, by administrating it on Indian populations. The participants included 312 Indian undergraduate students (197 females, 112 males and 3 individuals who preferred not to disclose their gender). The participant ranged in the age group from 18 years to 22 years (n= 312, M= 20.7, SD= 1.366). The purpose of the study was to establish the reliability and verify the factor structure of a self-report filled out by Indian students on Learned Helplessness. The Alpha reliability coefficient and exploratory factor analysis were calculated using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences. The Learned Helplessness Scale, consisting of 20 items was found to be reliable. A standardized alpha reliability coefficient of .739 was obtained for a sample of 312 undergraduate students. Because the primary goal was to identify and compute composite scores for the elements underlying the LHS, principal components analysis was used. A varimax rotated analysis at 25 iterations extracted 5 factors. The total variance explained by these 5 factors is 50.801%. These results were consistent with the results of the factor analysis performed while developing the scale by Quinless and Nelson. However, there were some variations reported in the factor loadings.
Keywords: learned helplessness, psychometric analysis, factor analysis, attributional styles, reliability
Psychological Theories and Concepts Applied on the Practise of Beggary
Ashni Churi
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, India
The practice of beggary is a scenario that prevails in many cities of developing nations. it is as a nuisance but also perhaps as a prod to one’s social conscience. In the view of the developing call for of studies on this context, this study explores the psychological explanations to the practise of begging. In view of its increasing pervasiveness and visible presence on the streets of metropolitan areas, this study also becomes the need of the hour. This study reports on a range of theories that contribute toward the practice, and reinforcement, of begging, specifically with regard to the Indian context.
This study aims to explore, and better understand, why people beg and what might maintain their begging. Interview reports, observation, analysis, surveys and anecdotal material suggest that the beggar preferred to stay in that situation due to many factors. This study recognized numerous psychological theories differentiate the act of begging beggars from non-begging. Also, the theories that promote this act in the non-begging community such as social conformity is explored in this study.
Keywords: psychological theories, beggary, act of begging
Discovering Literature with the Help of Freudian Psychoanalysis
Prakriti Rais
School of Liberal Arts, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, India
Assist. Prof., Dr. Sanmit Sarkar
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, India
In this study we will be using psychoanalysis to understand literature, more specifically poetry and the poets themselves. Analyzing literature in such a way helps us have a better grasp on human behavior and involuntary thoughts that manifest in the form of stories, poems or any sort of creative work. Literature helps us to travel back in time and learn about life on Earth from those who have gone before us. We can gain a deeper grasp of cultures and appreciate them more. We learn from the methods history is documented, such as manuscripts and oral history.
Literature (from the Latin Littera, which means “letters” and refers to a familiarity with the written word) is the written work of a specific culture, subculture, religion, philosophy, or the study of such written material, which may occur in poetry or prose. Literature encompasses forms such as poetry, drama, prose, folklore, epic tale, personal narrative, history, biography, satire, philosophical dialogues, etc. Poetry is a composition in verse, is usually characterized by concentrated and heightened language in which words are chosen for their sound and suggestive power as well as for their sense, and using such techniques as metre, rhyme, and alliteration.
Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic methods which have their origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud. The primary assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences, i.e., make the unconscious conscious. It is only having a cathartic (i.e.,healing) experience can the person be helped and ” cured. ”
Keywords: psychoanalysis, literature, human behavior, psychological theories, therapeutic methods
Harassment as a Performance Limitation
Dr. Javier Zavala Rayas
Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico
About the Author
Full Name: Dr. Javier Zavala Rayas
Affiliation: Academic Unit of Higher Education, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, México
Country: Mexico
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexico, Master’s degree in Social Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Doctorate in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Director of bachelor’s and master’s thesis, co-author of books and book chapters, author and co-author of articles in indexed journals; member of the editorial committees of indexed and refereed journals, a speaker at academic, national and international events, a full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Current research interests: Social psychology, violence and migration.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2968-9043
The present study is the theoretical development on gender violence against women and sexual harassment towards women in particular.
Harassment in any field: school, work, street,etc., limits one’s performance and can even go so far as to make a woman to abandon her productive activities. An offensive phrase, a leering look or a sexual touching, are everyday experiences when it comes to commuting to school or work in the life of a woman practically in all sociocultural contexts.
Sexual harassment in public places is an invisible component of everyday interactions, which affects the lives of many people, but it is rarely talked about. The brevity of its duration, as well as the veiled way in which it is often presented, disguising itself as flattery, whispering in the ear or blending into the crowd, they make it seemingly intangible (Gaytan, 2007).
Keywords: harassment, gender violence, performance
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