We would like to invite economists, social researchers, psychologists, educators, teachers, analysts, business managers, technology researchers and developers to share their ideas, visions and experiences on the topics from the list below.

  • Business and economic strategies in the era of globalisation;
  • New technologies in business and its management;
  • AI in business, social life and wellbeing;
  • Current social, economic and political processes;
  • AI and psychological health;
  • Attitudes and behaviours in virtual environments;
  • Changes and transformations in communicative strategies and behaviours;
  • Gender roles in a new society;
  • Social processes and behaviours in time of the global crisis;
  • Dealing with psychological traumas;
  • Education and learning in stressful conditions;
  • Changing role of social media, its impact on life and business strategies;
  • Business strategies in crisis;
  • Technological solutions for business and production;
  • Affects of technological developments and global processes on national and international markets;
  • Business online: establishment, functioning, management;
  • Transformational processes in education and learning;
  • Family in a changing world of the global crisis, technological boom and unpredictability.
  • Psychological studies on children development;
  • Approaches to raising children: family, school, community;
  • Customer behaviours;
  • Buy or not to buy: psychology of shopping;
  • Advertisement strategies;
  • Psychology of business and organisations;
  • Social psychology;
  • Psychology of health and well-being;
  • Leadership and management;
  • Health management;
  • Disaster management; etc

The studies on other topics in psychology, social studies, economics and business management are welcome for submitting and including into the conference program.

All accepted abstracts are going to be published in the Book of Abstracts

Selected full papers will be published as Conference Proceedings or a Book of Chapters depending on the scope of the papers and decision of the conference organising committee.

Full articles are accepted after the end of the conference and can be reviewed for publishing as journal papers in IJPATME as a special issue.

The Deadline of Abstract Submission is 1 of October.